Due to a long discussion with each other and our media teacher we have come to the decision to change most of our synopsis. From our feedback we needed to give a better reason as to why the man would go to the house in the first place, also why the girl would kill the man and to hide her identity using
narrative enigma in the process. We will keep the same characters and the same twist but just tweak the narrative a bit to make it portray to the audience a bit easier.
- The man will be working on the girls car in her garage
- He will come into the house and ask if he can wash his hands because he has just fixed the car
- There will be a sequence of shots when the man is in the bathroom washing his hands
- A masked figure will come behind him (the girl in disguise) and stab him with a knife
- The girls boyfriend will arrive and see a mask on the floor, picking it up and asking what it was so the blame is pointed at him.
- This will be similar to the Scream (Wes Craven, 1996) twist in which it gets blamed on different people and we don't find out the truth until later on in the film after the opening 2 mins.
We thought that we would have to make the man look more menacing and therefore make the audience believe he is the killer. We will change his costume so he will be wearing a boiler suit. The reason for this is to make him seem like a hideous creature, crazy and wanting to kill this defenceless girl. He will also have oily rags and be a bit animalistic. Boiler suits have been used in films such as Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978) the killer Michael Myers wears the boiler suit to mask his identity but also to make him seem a bit more creepy. We will also add fake blood (after he has been stabbed) and oil to the boiler suit to signify he has been working on the car
Sounds like a good solution. Make sure you refresh your memory/ies of actual slashers and how they shot such scenes to help with new s'boards and planning