Halloween (John Carpenter, 1978)
Budget : $320 000
US Box Office : $47 000 000
Serif font signifies horror movie but contrasting sans serif font production texts signifies a comedy
Red text connotes blood and danger
Text changes colour to reflect the pumkins flickering flame
Flame imagery sinifies hell
Combination of slow notes and fast piano keys effect heart beat
Binarry opposites = White text and black background signifies good and evil but it also connotes a serious film
Alot more black than white signifies alot more evil than good
Illinois adds anchorage on the setting
Establishing shot, point of view using stedicam
Shadows on house make it alot more scary
Blue tint to lighting especially the moonlight on the house which signifies a cold or supernatural feel
Isolation added because house is detached
Serif font signifies horror movie but contrasting sans serif font production texts signifies a comedy
Red text connotes blood and danger
Text changes colour to reflect the pumkins flickering flame
Flame imagery sinifies hell
Combination of slow notes and fast piano keys effect heart beat
Binarry opposites = White text and black background signifies good and evil but it also connotes a serious film
Alot more black than white signifies alot more evil than good
Illinois adds anchorage on the setting
Establishing shot, point of view using stedicam
Shadows on house make it alot more scary
Blue tint to lighting especially the moonlight on the house which signifies a cold or supernatural feel
Isolation added because house is detached
remember to note remake/orig, and (maybe as a group?) discuss the central role and influence of this film in the genre!