
Welcome to the blog of Rasam Productions and Full Throttle Distributions Sam Pollock (The Director) charting the evolution of the opening to the new feature film "Wrenched" jointly produced with Rob Shaw (The Producer) and Asa Newmarch (The Cinematographer). You'll be able to see the final cut on my YouTube channel as well as various short videos and vodcasts/podcasts right here on this blog! Enjoy and please feel free to comment/add suggestions!

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

ALL - Updated Sample Footage and Feedback

Click on the picture below to see evidence of feedback on our second sample footage. Rob Shaw posted the sample footage on Facebook so we could get peoples opinions/feedback given to us in a comment below the video. We will use this feedback to improve our film.


  1. Crop the image + blow up so that the comments are legible, and/or type in the comments
    vital you state HOW aud feedback has been an influence; WHAT will change as a result?

  2. keeping cam steady in car is something to work on
    don't pan back + forth between the 2 chars in shot reverse shot!!!
    why show killer coming into room? isn't it less suspenseful?
    have your group discussed sound yet?


Please make sure your comments are appropriate.